Different types of Google ads?
Google search ads: Google search ads are text ads that you see on Google
search engine results pages (SERPs). Your search ads can appear either at
the top above the organic search results or at the very bottom of the page.
Display ads: While search ads are based on text and let you target specific
keywords, Display ads are image-based and allow you to target people who
are likely to be interested in your products but aren’t looking for them yet.
Video ads: Since YouTube belongs to Google and also acts like a search
engine–only for videos–you can target your potential customers on
YouTube based on what they are watching. And with over 2 billion users
worldwide, you have quite an audience to target!
Shopping ads: Google Shopping Ads are product-based ads.
They’re displayed specifically for product searches on Google.
App ad campaign: Have a mobile app for your business? With Google Ads,
you can promote it with app campaigns across Google’s largest properties,
including Google Play, YouTube, Search, and the Google Display Network.